We absolutely love the Titan for our German Shepherd. She’s grown up with it and has chewed and pulled it thousands of times during our daily tugs of war. Now that she’s almost three, we’re getting a new one. It’s her number one favorite toy and a light toss for her to catch in the air. It also morphs as we sometimes attach it to other toys. An excellent non-toxic buy!

Gabrielle LoeschHappy Client

I did receive my tug and it’s awesome! … I received it in the mail and took it to work the next day to show my sister-in-law who also does agility (I had not shown it to the dogs yet as I was saving it for the weekend trial as a “new” tug). Brought it home still in the envelope in my lunch bag with my groceries, came up stairs and was talking to my husband for no more than 5 minutes……went back to get my purse and lunch bag and the tug was gone.  Upstairs in the living room, two dogs, one tug, nothing left of the rabbit pieces hanging down…….they ripped them off and ate them in 5 minutes flat…….I didn’t even hear them get the tug out of the envelope, sneaky little buggers :-)…..so needless to say they LOVED it! And they loved it even more when I actually let them have it as a tug.

I will say, it is extremely well made and I am very happy with it.  I will definitely be purchasing more from you and I know my sister-in-law was very impressed also.  I will be showing my daughter this weekend, she has a Kelpie and he can be hard on his tugs.  I think she will be impressed with yours!

Valerie Glover

The dogs love the tug and so far, the chainsaw, Vogue, hasn’t been able to rip it up!!!  It’s been really strong and the dogs love the knot at the end! [editor’s note: a customized knot was tied into the tug to mimic a ball]

Dawn Young

For Christmas, I bought one of the Tuff Tugs for Sophie, my family’s dog, who live in Nova Scotia. According to my father, it has moved up into Sophie’s top 2 favourite toys! She loves it!

Cindy Church
The pups love them! I have BC’s and one is a very very hard tugger so he likes to really clamp on. The previous one I had for him is still works but is starting to fall apart.  One of my friends really liked them for her pup so I will be spreading the word!
Stacey Melko

We received our Tuff Tug a few days ago. Had to hide it from the pups!!! They love it!

Rosalyn Russell

We got our Tuff Tug about a week ago, my terriers love it – it was an instant hit!  🙂

Tara McIntyre